【莱面试】面试只有IQ怎么行? 哈佛教授告诉你EQ制胜
【莱面试】面试只有IQ怎么行? 哈佛教授告诉你EQ制胜报名
【莱面试】面试只有IQ怎么行? 哈佛教授告诉你EQ制胜新闻
【莱面试】面试只有IQ怎么行? 哈佛教授告诉你EQ制胜环境
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【莱面试】面试只有IQ怎么行? 哈佛教授告诉你EQ制胜

  Many of Huang Meng’s friends joked about her intelligence quotient being a deadly weapon. But it never occurred to her that emotional quotient would be an obstacle to getting a job.
  Graduated in 2013 from University of Birmingham in the UK, the 24-year-old economics major has applied for several job vacancies. However, she failed almost all the interviews. “A career consultant at a job fair told me that I’m not demonstrating high EQ during interviews,” she said.
  According to Yi Chunyang, assistant HR of Uyoung Media, applicant with a high EQ tends to be better at communication and team work, which is esssential for media companies. “Since graduates have almost no experience, such features make us believe they are worth training,” she said.
  Xiao Xiao, HR director of a state-own machinery company, also treasures talents with a high EQ. “Staying resilient and managing their emotions when things get tough will help graduates succeed in the workplace,” she said.
  Chen Chen, HR manager of CRM Factory, stresses the importance of social skills. “After all, companies are a compound of their individual employees,” she said.
  How to show emotional intelligence in interviews? Howard Gardner, professor of cognition and education at Harvard Graduate School of Education, offers the following tips:
  Be honest and control any impulses; 诚实很主要,冲动是魔鬼
  Take responsibility for your work performance; 作业体现,自个担任
  Handle change with flexibility; 工作有变,灵活应对
  Be open to new ideas; 新鲜观念,敞开对待
  Be motivated; 自动进步,积极行动
  Be persuasive; 有理有据,说服力强

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